Most commonly asked English Questions in all SSC Exams

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Most commonly asked English Questions in all SSC Exams

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Today we are sharing an important pdf in hindi Most commonly asked English Questions in all SSC Exams  आज की हमारी यह पोस्ट English बिषय से सन्बन्धित है , इस पोस्ट में हम आपको सामान्य विज्ञान English बिषय से संबंधित सभी प्रकार की PDF को Download करने की LInk उपलब्ध कराऐंगे ! जिन पर क्लिक करके आप इनको Download कर पाएँगे ! जो कि आपको आने बाले सभी प्रकार के Competitive Exams में काम आयेंगी ! अभी हमारे पास English बिषय से सन्बन्धित जितनी PDF हैं वो इस पोस्ट मे हम आपको उपलब्ध करा रहे है ! और आगे जितनी भी English बिषय से सन्बन्धित PDF हमारे पास आयेंगी उनकी लिन्क भी इसी पोस्ट में Add की जायेगी , सो आप सभी से Request है कि आप इस पोस्ट को अपने Browser के BOOKMARK में Save कर लीजिये , और Check करते रहियेगा !

Most commonly asked English Questions in all SSC Exams English के अलाबा अन्य सभी बिषयों की PDF से संबंधित पोस्ट भी हमारी इस बेबसाइट पर बहुत ही जल्द आयेंगी , तो आप इस बेबसाइट को Regularlly Visit करते रहिये ! कृपया कमेन्ट के माध्यम से जरूर बतायें कि आपको कौन से बिषय पर PDF चाहिये !

Most commonly asked English Questions in all SSC Exams Ecology and Environment के अलाबा अन्य सभी बिषयों की PDF से संबंधित पोस्ट भी हमारी इस बेबसाइट पर उपलब्ध हैं, तो आप इस बेबसाइट को Regularlly Visit करते रहिये ! कृपया कमेन्ट के माध्यम से जरूर बतायें कि आपको कौन से बिषय पर PDF चाहिये !

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 General English Questions and Answers for Competitive Exam 

Q.1: Bolt from the blue

1. Thundering

2. A complete surprise

3. Inform something bad

4.No idea

Ans .   B

Q.2 : Blue blood

1.Belonging to low class society

2.Give complain in written

3.Member of high class society

4.Complain give verbally

Ans .   C

Q.3 When the Principal entered the class, a student………. on the blackboard.

(a) Wrote

(b) was writing

(c) writes

(d) is writing

Ans .  B

Q.4 She………TV when her husband came.

(a) watch

(b) was watching

(c) is watching

(d) WA

Ans .  B

Q.5 In each of the following questions, find the correctly spelled word.

1. Reannaisance

2. Renaissance

3. Rennaissance

4. Renaisance

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

Ans .  B

Q.6 1. Recommandation

2. Recommendation

3. Recomandation

4. Recomendation

a. 1

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

Ans .  B

Q.7 : Select Correct Word

A. Aceleration

B. Aceeleration

C. Accelaration

D. Acceleration

Ans .  D

Q.8 : Select Correct Word

A. Agressive

B. Agrressive

C. Aggressive

D. Aggresive

Ans .  C

Most commonly asked English Questions

Q.9 Jawaharlal spent his childhood ______ Anand Bhawan.

(A) at

(B) in

(C) on

(D) across

Ans .   D

Q.10 The boy was cured _____ typhoid.

(A) from

(B) of

(C) for

(D) through

Ans .   B

Q.11 Voracious…..

(A) tenacious

(B) truthful

(C) spacious

(D) ravenous

Ans .   D

Q.12 Abortive…..

(A) fruitful

(B) familiar

(C) unsuccessful

(D) consuming

Ans .   C

Q13. Suguganya got —— as an officer in the State bank of India.

A. appoint

B. appointed

C. appoints

D. appointee

Ans .   B

Q.14. They listened to him —–

A. spellbinded

B. spellbind

C. spellbinding

D. spellbound

Ans .   D

Q.15 Basis

A. bassis

B. bases

C. basises

D. basium

Ans .   B

Q.16 Flower

A. flowes

B. flowers

C. floweris

D. floweries

Ans .   B

 Synonyms and Antonyms

Q- Direction: In the following question (1-2), find the synonym of the given word?

1. Hound

a. Migrate

b. Beagle

c. Critic

d. Variable

Ans.:- (b.)

2. Barrier

a. Comfort

b. Justify

c. Prescribe

d. Embargo

Ans.: (d.)

Q3. Find out the word opposite in meaning of the given word?


a. Confront

b. Contour

c. Vista

d. Outlook

Ans.: (c.)

Cloze Test

Direction (Question 4- 8): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

Job performance is ______ by a number of factors. Motivation alone does not lead to increased performance. Ability and technology moderates the relationship between motivation and performance. The higher the levels of ability and motivation the ______ the level of performance will be. However, increasing motivation beyond an ______ level tends to ______ a dysfunctional result because it is ______ by an increased level of anxiety.

4. Job performance is ______ by a number of factors. Motivation alone.

a. Affected

b. Effected

c. Influenced

d. Measured

Ans.:- (a.)

Q5. The higher the levels of ability and motivation the ______ the level of performance will be.

a. Higher

b. Smaller

c. Larger

d. Lower

Ans.:- (a.)

Q6. However, increasing motivation beyond an ______ level.

a. Increased

b. Certain

c. Desired

d. Optimal

Ans.:- (d.)

Most commonly asked English Questions

Q7. tends to ______ a dysfunctional result.

a. Introduce

b. Induce

c. Deduce

d. Produce

Ans.:- (d.)

Q8. Because it is ______ by an increased level of anxiety.

a. Accompanied

b. Affiliated

c. Amalgamated

d. Abandoned

Ans.:- (a.)

Direction (Question 9- 13): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

The _____ of energy in India are met from both commercial and non-commercial sources. The most _____ sources of energy today are coal and natural gas, hydro-electricity and nuclear power. On the other hand, firewood, cow-dung cakes and vegetable waste, etc. _____ non-commercial forms of energy. While non-commercial forms of energy _____ demand, coal is the _____ source of commercial energy in India.

Q9. The _____ of energy in India are met from both commercial.

a. Availability

b. Sources

c. Lessen

d. Requirements

Ans.:- (d.)

Q10. The most _____ sources of energy today are coal and natural gas.

a. Important

b. Extensive

c. Vital

d. Insignificant

Ans.:- (a.)

Q11. On the other hand, firewood, cow-dung cakes and vegetable waste etc. _____ non-commercial forms of energy.

a. Combines

b. Mixes

c. Collaborates

d. Constitutes

Ans.:- (d.)

Q12. While non-commercial forms of energy _____ demand,

a. Rests

b. Meet

c. Need

d. Shed

Ans.:- (b.)

Q13. Coal is the _____ source of commercial energy in India.

a. Hardest

b. Smallest

c. Heaviest

d. Largest

Ans.:- (d.)

SSC exams Eligibility Criteria: All exams

Direction (Question 14- 16): In the following passage, some of the words have been left out. Read the passage carefully and select the correct answer for the given blank out of the four alternatives.

Literature is a medium through which a person conveys his ideas towards or protest against different norms of society. The words that deal with a _____ issue are of particular importance in literature. They are _____ with a particular purpose in _____.

Q14. The words that deal with a _____ issue

a. Moral

b. Insensitive

c. Economical

d. Broad

Ans.:- (a.)

Q15. They are _____ with a particular purpose

a. Written

b. Represented

c. Brought

d. Founded

Ans.:- (a.)

Q16. a particular purpose in _____.

a. All

b. Hand

c. Mind

d. Total

Ans.:- (c.)

Spelling Test

Direction (Question 17-19): Four words are given, out of which only one word is spelt correctly. Choose the correctly spelt word.


a. Ajournment

b. Ajornment

c. Adjournment

d. Adjourmant

Ans.:- (c.)


a. Conniosseur

b. Connoisseur

c. Connossieur

d. Connosseiur

Ans.:- (b.)


a. Inkulcate

b. Debilitate

c. Impecable

d. Harrass

Ans.:- (b.)

Idioms and Phrases

Direction (Question 20-24): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, select the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase.

Q20. A wild goose chase

a. Timely search

b. Wrong decision

c. Useless search

d. Fruitful search

Ans.:- (c.)

Q21. A moot point

a. Unclear

b. Unknown

c. Agreeable

d. Disputed

Ans.:- (d.)

Q22. Cat-nap

a. Fitful sleep

b. Long sleep

c. Short sleep

d. Rest

Ans.:- (c.)

Q23. To pull a long face

a. Looked sad

b. Looked calm

c. Looked surprised

d. Looked happily

Ans.:- (a.)

Q24. Fit her like a glove.

a. Too large

b. Too shabby

c. Too tight

d. Perfectly

Ans.:- (d.)

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One-Word Substitution

Direction (Question 25-31): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentence.

Q25. One who is not easily pleased by anything

a. gullible

b. fastidious

c. innocent

d. amenable

Ans.:- (b.)

Q26. A person unselfishly concerned for or devoted to the welfare of others.

a. egoist

b. unselfish

c. altruist

d. welfarist

Ans.:- (c.)

Q27. Violation of that which is holy and sacred

a. malevolent

b. sacrilege

c. bizarre

d. iniquitous

Ans.:- (b.)

Q28. Misappropriation of money

a. Abridgement

b. Condiment

c. Embezzlement

d. Bereavement

Ans.:- (c.)

Q29. One who has the art of speaking in such a way that the sound seems to come from another person/place.

a. Absolutist

b. Biblicist

c. Ventriloquist

d. Clavierist

Ans.:- (c.)

Q30. One who damages public property

a. Cynosure

b. Demagogue

c. Epicure

d. Vandal

Ans.:- (d.)

Q31. To free somebody from all blame

a. Highbrow

b. Exonerate

c. Escapism

d. Henpeck

Ans.:- (b.)

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