100 Environmental Questions Answers PDF Download

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100 Environmental Questions Answers PDF Download

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1. Ecosystem and Biodiversity:

An ecosystem is a complex community of living organisms interacting with their physical environment.
Biodiversity refers to the variety of life forms, including species diversity, genetic diversity, and ecosystem diversity.
2. Conservation of Biodiversity:

Biodiversity conservation is crucial for maintaining ecosystem stability, resilience, and ecosystem services like pollination, water purification, and climate regulation.
Conservation efforts include creating protected areas, habitat restoration, and sustainable management of resources.
3. Climate Change:

Climate change refers to long-term changes in average weather patterns. Human activities, such as burning fossil fuels and deforestation, contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.
Consequences of climate change include rising sea levels, extreme weather events, and disruptions to ecosystems.
4. Renewable and Non-renewable Resources:

Renewable resources, like solar and wind energy, can be naturally replenished. Non-renewable resources, like fossil fuels, are finite and deplete over time.
5. Pollution and its Types:

Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances or contaminants into the environment.
Types of pollution include air pollution (from emissions and pollutants), water pollution (from industrial waste and agricultural runoff), and soil pollution (from hazardous chemicals).
6. Waste Management:

Proper waste management is essential to prevent pollution and environmental degradation.
Reduce, reuse, and recycle strategies help minimize waste generation.
7. Conservation of Water Resources:

Water conservation involves efficient use of water resources, preventing water pollution, and maintaining aquatic ecosystems.
Strategies include rainwater harvesting, water-efficient technologies, and proper sewage treatment.
8. Deforestation and Afforestation:

Deforestation is the clearing of forests for agriculture, urban development, or logging, leading to habitat loss and climate change.
Afforestation involves planting trees in deforested areas to restore ecosystems and mitigate climate change.
9. Wildlife Conservation:

Wildlife conservation aims to protect endangered species and their habitats.
Efforts include establishing protected areas, wildlife corridors, and anti-poaching measures.
10. Sustainable Development:

Sustainable development seeks to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Balancing economic, social, and environmental factors is essential for achieving sustainable development.
11. Environmental Laws and Policies:

Many countries have environmental laws and regulations to protect natural resources, curb pollution, and promote sustainable practices.
International agreements like the Paris Agreement address global climate change.
12. Role of Individuals:

Individuals can contribute to environmental conservation by adopting eco-friendly practices, reducing waste, conserving energy, and supporting sustainable products.
These notes provide a starting point for understanding various environmental concepts. Environmental issues are interconnected and require a multidisciplinary approach for effective solutions. Stay informed, raise awareness, and make conscious choices to contribute to a healthier planet.

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Most Important Environmental Question Answer

1. The study of the relationship between the environment and the living communities is called?
Answer​ – ​Ecology ​

2. Who was the first to study Ecology?
Answer​ – ​Ernst Hackel

3. Who introduced firstly the Ecosystem word?
Answer​ – A.G. Tansley

4. In which year the term Ecosystem was used first?
Answer​ – 1935

5. Which are the two components of Ecology?
Answer​ – Biotic and Abiotic

6. The transitional zones between two Ecosystems are called?
Answer​ – Ecotone

7. Which are the two parts of the Ecosystem-based on habitat?
Answer​ – Terrestrial and Aquatic

8. The still freshwater Ecosystem is called?
Answer​ – Lentic

9. Moving freshwater Ecosystem is called?
Answer​ – Lotic

10. The functional role of an organism in the Ecosystem is called?
Answer​ – Niche

11. The biotic components in the ecosystem which make their food self are called?
Answer​ – Producer

12. The sustainable biotic group in the Ecosystem is called?
Answer​ -​ ​Ecotone (contagion​)

13. When the number of one species in an area exceeds other communities are called?
Answer​ -​ ​Edge Effect

14. In which region of the world has the most complex Ecosystem?
Answer​ -​ ​Equatorial Region

15. Where are the most stable Ecosystems found?
Answer​ -​ ​Ocean

16. Who used the word Biodiversity firstly?
Answer​ -​ ​E.A.Nors (1980)

17. Which one is the richest area of ​Biodiversity?
Answer​ -​ ​Tropical rainforest

18. Which region is known as the storehouse of Biodiversity?
Answer​ -​ ​Tropical rainforest

19. Which region has the highest productivity in the Aquatic Ecosystem?
Answer​ -​ ​Tidal river Region

20. The low productivity in the deep sea region is called?
Answer​ -​ ​Bio Desert

21. Which area has the largest terrestrial life?
Answer​ -​ ​Savanna Region

22. How many percentages of the world is occupied by the savanna region?
Answer​ -​ ​24%

23. Herbivores animals are also called?
Answer​ -​ ​Primary consumer

24. The first nutritional order includes.
Answer​ -​ ​Plants

25. What is the percentage of energy transformation from one nutritional order to another nutritional order in a food chain system?
Answer​ -​ ​10%

26. Who is the scavenger of Nature?
Answer​ -​ ​Decomposer

27. The region which is prosperous in biodiversity but their habitat is on the edge of destruction, is called?
Answer​ -​ ​Hotspots

28. How many hotspots are recognized in the world?
Answer​ -​ ​Nearly 30

29. How many hotspot regions in India?
Answer​ -​ ​4 Hotspots

30. Which region is declared as the first Hotspot in India?
Answer​ -​ ​Western Ghats (Nilgiris region)

31. An oceanic sensitive zone is called?
Answer​ -​ ​Hope spot

32. What is the percentage of India’s contributions to global biodiversity?
Answer​ -​ ​8%

33. In which region of India biodiversity is mostly found?
Answer -​ ​Silent Valley (Kerala)

34. Which gas is most responsible for global warming?
Answer​ -​ ​Carbon dioxide

35. Which gases are responsible for the Greenhouse effect?
Answer​ -​ ​CO2, CH4, N2O, CFC

36. Which summit is known as the Greenhouse summit?
Answer​ -​ ​Kyoto Protocol

37. Montreal agreement (1987) is related to?
Answer​ -​ ​Ozone protection

38. In which sphere of atmosphere the Ozone layer is situated?
Answer​ -​ ​Stratosphere (20-35Km)

39. Who discovered the Ozone hole firstly?
Answer​ -​ ​Forman (1985​)

40. Which gas is the most effective for Ozone depletion?
Answer​ -​ ​CFC (Chlorofluorocarbon)

41. What is the main source of CFC gas?
​Answer​ -​ ​Refrigerators

42. In which region does the ozone hole is maximum expanded?
Answer​ -​ ​Over Antarctica.

43. The Ramasar treaty is related to?
Answer​ – wetlands protection

44. River pollution level is measured by?
Answer​ -​ ​BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand)

45. List of endangered creatures and plants is published?

Answer​ -​ ​In Red Data Book

46. What is the total organic matter present in an ecosystem called?
Answer​ -​ ​Biomass

47. Which chemical is responsible for Acid rain?
Answer​ -​ ​SO2 & NO2

48. What should be the intensity of sound permitted regarding the safe noise level for a city?
Answer​ -​ ​45db

49. Where was the Ramasar treaty held?
Answer​ -​ ​Iran

50. Which region is called the lungs of the world?
Answer​ -​ ​Amazon Basin

51. How many Biospheres Reserves in India?
Answer​ -​ ​18 Biospheres

52. Which one was the first Biosphere Reserve in India?
Answer​ -​ ​Nilgiri Biosphere

53. Which was the first biosphere of India that was included in the UNESCO World Network?
Answer​ -​ ​Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve

54. Which is the latest ​biosphere reserve of India​ included by UNESCO in the world network?
Answer​ -​ ​Kanchenjunga

55. How many of India’s biosphere reserves are included in the UNESCO World network?
Answer​ -​ ​11 biosphere reserves of India

56. Which Indian river is known as the Green Soup?
Answer​ -​ ​Yamuna River is known as the Green soup between Delhi to Agra due to Pollution​.

57. Which River is called Coal carrying river?
Answer​ -​ ​Rhine River

58. Which country is called Country of Lakes?
Answer​ -​ ​Finland

59. What are the main objectives of the Kyoto Protocol (1997) agreement?
Answer​ -​ ​Control of Greenhouse gases and Global Warming

60. In which summit ‘Agenda-21’ was passed?
Answer​ -​ ​First Earth Summit 1992.

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Environment Questions Answers

1.     जैव ईंधन का क्या उद्देश्य है?

[A]   वनों की कटाई और मिट्टी का क्षरण का मुकाबला करने के लिए
[B]   दुनिया को बेहतर खाद्य सुरक्षा प्रदान करने के लिए
[C]   जैव-विविधता को संरक्षित करने के लिए
[D]   इनमें से कोई नहीं

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ]D)[/bg_collapse]


2.   ओजोन डे मनाने की घोषणा किस  प्रोटोकॉल में हुई?

[A]   नागोया प्रोटोकॉल
[B]   मोंट्रियल प्रोटोकॉल
[C]   जेनेवा प्रोटोकॉल
[D]   क्योटो प्रोटोकॉल

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ]A)[/bg_collapse]


3.   राष्ट्रीय हरित कोर का क्या उद्देश्य है?

[A]   युवाओं को पर्यावरण और पारिस्थितिकी के बारे में बताना
[B]   पर्यावरणीय कानून बनाना
[C]   पर्यावरण संरक्षण
[D]   ये सभी
[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ] A)[/bg_collapse]


4.    माधव गाडगिल पैनल ने किस क्षेत्र को पारिस्थितिक रूप से महत्वपूर्ण क्षेत्र घोषित करने का सुझाव दिया है?

[A] पश्चिमी घाट
[B] पूर्वी घाट
[C] हिमालयन क्षेत्र
[D] गंगा जमुना का मैदान
[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ] A)[/bg_collapse]


5.    चेंचू जनजाति किस क्षेत्र में वन्यजीव के सुरक्षा से संबंधित है?

[A] नागार्जुन श्रीशैलम (आंध्र प्रदेश)
[B] सिमिलिपाल (उड़ीसा)
[C] पलामू (झारखण्ड)
[D] इनमें से कोई नहीं

[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ]A)[/bg_collapse]


6.   पर्यावरण लेखांकन क्या है?

[A] यह पर्यावरण / प्राकृतिक संसाधनों की खपत को मापने के लिए एक विधि है।
[B] यह देश के हरी क्षेत्रों का सांख्यिकीय विश्लेषण करने का एक तरीका है
[C] उपरोक्त दोनों
[D] कोई नहीं
[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ]A)[/bg_collapse]

7.    बिली अर्जन सिंह का नाम किस राष्ट्रीय उद्यान से संबंधित है?

[A] जिम कॉर्बेट राष्ट्रीय उद्यान
[B] दुधवा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान
[C] काजीरंगा राष्ट्रीय उद्यान
[D] मानस राष्ट्रीय उद्यान
[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ]B)[/bg_collapse]


8.   राष्ट्रीय हरित प्राधिकरण की मुख्य बेंच कहाँ है?

[A] भोपाल
[B] कानपुर
[C] लखनऊ
[D] इलाहाबाद
[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ]A)[/bg_collapse]

9.   निम्न में से क्या पौष्टिक स्तरों पर हमेशा एक खाद्य श्रृंखला में घट जाती है?

[A] ऊर्जा
[B] संख्या
[C] रसायन
[D] इनमें से कोई नहीं
[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ]A)[/bg_collapse]

10.    निम्नलिखित में जैविक उर्वरक कौन सा है?

[A] राइजोबियम
[B] एजोटोबैक्टर
[C] सहजीवी संबंध
[D] उपरोक्त सभी
[bg_collapse view=”button-green” color=”#4a4949″ expand_text=”Show Answer” collapse_text=”Hide Answer” ]D)[/bg_collapse]

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